arizona vacation rentals

Your source for MLB Spring Training lodging!
Surprise house with private pool.

All homes are within 2 miles of Baseball Spring Training

Surprise house with private pool.

Surprise Pool Paradise Vista

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Stylish Modern Desert Oasis

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Surprise Gem

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Providing Hospitality the Correct Way

Home Brewery

Coffee Bar


Room Service

24x7 Reception

Car Rental

Hair Dryer

Secure Wi-Fi



Swimming Pool

Escape To The Luxury This Summer

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About Us

Our Tradition Of Best Hospitality


I moved to the great state of Arizona from Idaho in 1996 to fulfill my dream of becoming a court reporter. I finished my schooling, graduating in December of 1999, with my bachelor’s degree in court reporting; obtained both my national and state certifications, and went to work. I’m proud to say I still love my chosen profession. In early 2000 I met the man who would become my soul mate. Scott is born & raised here in Arizona, one of the true “natives” to the state. He is my “super geek.” When it comes to any gadgets or electronics, his love of and understanding of technology has allowed him to build and maintain smart home technology systems, alarm systems, and work for some great employers. We have been married for over 20 years and love to find new areas to go explore and try out new restaurants. We are avid Coyote hockey and Rattlers arena football fans. I have a fondness for playing in the desert; I love hiking and exploring and experiencing all the unique and exciting things such as the wildlife, birds, and crazy cactuses that are truly what makes Arizona such a great place for work and play. When we aren’t working, we have the best dogs in the world whom we love with all our hearts.

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